Baby, it’s cold outside! I don’t just mean a bit cold, I mean the deep freeze kind of cold that takes your breath away and will (literally) freeze exposed skin in minutes. The temperature today in sunny (yes, it is sunny) Calgary is a whopping -30 degree Celsius! It is true that we have had a great winter up until now, but man are we paying for it now. You know it’s cold when they close the ski hills, and the schools in the surrounding areas are shut down for the day. But the schools in the city are open, so I bundled off my troop and delivered them to their classes.
I just keep saying it is going to get better. The weather really will get better, by the weekend the high of 0 C is going to feel downright balmy. But that concept that things are going to get better when they aren’t so good is a good philosophy to have. It makes navigating the hard times easier if you believe they will eventually end, and it is also true. The sun always comes up, there is always calm after a storm – it is a fact of nature. In life things work out, the heartbreak eventually eases, the sorrow fades with time, life marches on. I know that even for some of my clients who have suffered with years of mental illness or experienced horrific trauma, the belief in a brighter future, that unquenchable hope, carries them through their darkest days.
So as I told my children today, this will get better. Warmer days are ahead. Too bad they couldn’t hear me with their toques and hoods on and the heater going at full blast! I’ll keep teaching them that lesson, and keep trying to remember it myself!
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